Welcome to the future, RedSquiggly!

This is RedSquiggly.com. It's been defunct for many years, but with the current rise of interest and activity around AI (ChatGPT, Bing, Bard), I realized it may be relevant again.

Way back in 2006, I was working at a "large, midwest pharmaceutical company" as we were told to refer to it online back then, and I supported a lot of users who were still learning and coming to grips with new technologies like the internet, websites, mobile devices, etc. I had an epiphany one day when I saw an email where someone had been abused by the "red squiggly" misspelling indicator and used a word that was obviously not what they intended. The details aren't super important, but let's just say they used the word "incontinence" instead of "inconvenience" and hilarity ensued. I immediately registered the redsquiggly.com domain and started a stupid blog (another one of those new technologies at the time) to document some of my thoughts.

I'll eventually build this site back out to something (I hope) kind of useful and entertaining. Until then, you can still see the About page from my old site on the WayBack Machine if you want to know my reasoning behind starting that original site and behind restarting it now.